Words are assets of any language. We need words to describe anything. Without words, we cant speak. Some words are used commonly. We enlisted them together for you. You can read them and also their antonyms. Only reading is not enough. Bring them to your practice. After reading words use these commonly used words in your examples and daily conversation. Here are some Commonly Used English Words And Their Antonyms.

These Commonly Used English Words And Their Antonyms will help you a lot in your speaking and you will be able to write in a creative way with the help of these Commonly Used English Words And Their Antonyms.

Commonly Used English Words with Antonyms

  • amazed – unimpressed
  • apathetic – eager
  • basic – elaborate
  • cheerful – grumpy
  • coherent – disjointed
  • confident – cowardly
  • credulous – skeptical
  • deliberate – hasty
  • dull – fascinating
  • enduring – temporary
  • unfit – qualified
  • forgiving – unforgiving [not mentioned in the caption, but the antonym is implied in the context]
  • generous – selfish
  • grateful – unappreciative
  • improved – worsened [not mentioned in the caption, but the antonym is implied in the context]
  • inconsistent – consistent
  • indifferent – interested [not mentioned in the caption, but the antonym is implied in the context]
  • manageable – overwhelming
  • obvious – unclear
  • outgoing – shy
  • permanent – temporary
  • private – public
  • resilient – vulnerable
  • rough – smooth
  • sincere – disingenuous
  • standard – unconventional
  • tangible – abstract
  • tight – loose
  • trivial – significant
  • Basic – Complex, Elaborate
  • Big – Small, Tiny
  • Cold – Hot, Warm
  • Clean – Dirty, Unclean
  • Close – Far, Open (when referring to distance) – Closed (when referring to not being open)
  • Dark – Light
  • Day – Night
  • Easy – Difficult, Hard
  • Fast – Slow
  • Full – Empty
  • Good – Bad, Evil
  • Happy – Sad, Unhappy
  • Healthy – Sick, Unhealthy
  • High – Low
  • Hot – Cold
  • In – Out
  • Large – Small
  • Light – Dark
  • New – Old
  • Nice – Mean, Rude
  • Open – Closed (referring to not being shut) – Far (when referring to distance)
  • Old – New
  • Quick – Slow
  • Rich – Poor
  • Sad – Happy
  • Safe – Dangerous
  • Short – Long
  • Slow – Fast
  • Soft – Loud, Hard
  • Strong – Weak
  • Sweet – Sour, Salty
  • Talkative – Quiet
  • Thin – Thick
  • Up – Down
  • Weak – Strong
  • Wet – Dry
  • Young – Old

Practice these Commonly Used English Words And Their Antonyms again and again. So that you don’t need to learn them again. Use them in sentences in different contexts.