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Conjunction Quiz

Conjunction Quiz

Are you ready for the Conjunction Quiz test?

1 / 20

1) The flowers are wilting _ I need to water them.

2 / 20

2) _ you're ready, let's go!

3 / 20

3) Go left _ go right, it doesn't matter.

4 / 20

4) Coffee is bitter _ I like it strong.

5 / 20

5) He aced the test _ he studied all night.

6 / 20

6) Leave early _ you might get stuck in traffic.

7 / 20

7) We missed the bus _ we had to walk.

8 / 20

8) _ you apologize, I won't forgive you.

9 / 20

9) The sun is shining _ the birds are singing.

10 / 20

10) She didn't come to the party _ she wasn't feeling well.

11 / 20

11) _ it's raining, we'll take an umbrella.

12 / 20

12) The cake was delicious, _ we ate it all.

13 / 20

13) He ran _ he was late for school.

14 / 20

14) _ you finish your homework, you can play video games.

15 / 20

15) The car is dirty, _ I'll wash it today.

16 / 20

16) Would you like juice _ milk?

17 / 20

17) She studied hard _ she failed the test.

18 / 20

18) We can go to the park _ stay home and watch a movie.

19 / 20

19) The movie was long _ and it was entertaining.

20 / 20

20) I like coffee _ I prefer tea.

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The average score is 43%
