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Time end!

Noun quiz

Noun quiz

1 / 17

1. You're packing a picnic basket.

2 / 17

2. The delicious cookies disappeared quickly!

3 / 17

3. We watched the exciting soccer match between England and France.

4 / 17

4. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

5 / 17

5. Shakespeare wrote famous plays like Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet.

6 / 17

6. The Nile River is the longest river in Africa.

7 / 17

7. We visited my grandmother in California last summer.

8 / 17

8. Captain Smith explored the uncharted territory.

9 / 17

9. The movie was a hilarious comedy.

10 / 17

10. We need some milk for breakfast.

11 / 17

11. My favorite book is a sci-fi adventure.

12 / 17

12. The children played happily in the park.

13 / 17

13. She wrote a beautiful poem for the competition.

14 / 17

14. Mr. Jones is teaching history this year.

15 / 17

15. The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris.

16 / 17

16. We enjoyed a delicious pizza for dinner.

17 / 17

17. The postman delivered a package today.

Your score is

The average score is 35%
